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“The SNO Annual Meeting is the largest annual conference focused on neuro-oncology and an ideal forum for sharing new data on the use of immunotherapy and TTFields therapy in the treatment of GBM as well as our largest real-world study to date and additional insights about the safety and efficacy of TTFields therapy,” said Frank Leonard, President of Novocure’s U.

Novocure’s presence at the SNO Annual Meeting will include medical booths, sponsored symposia and scientific presentations spanning preclinical, clinical and real-world outcomes research underscoring the safety and efficacy of TTFields therapy, as well as patient and healthcare provider satisfaction with the therapy.

The TTFields treatment modality is the brainchild of Professor Yoram Palti (Professor Emeritus of Physiology and Biophysics at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel) who hypothesized that alternating electric fields in the intermediate frequency range could disrupt cancer cell division and cause cancer cell death. Professor Palti rationalized that electric fields within the frequency range of cem–300 kHz would penetrate rapidly dividing cancer cells and disrupt essential processes and cellular structures leading to apoptotic cell death. To test his hypothesis, Professor Palti set up a home laboratory, where he successfully demonstrated that when applied at tumour cell-specific frequencies (200 kHz for GBM), alternating electric fields disrupt cell division, leading to cancer cell death but sparing healthy cells.

Agentes imunossupressores como as ciclofosfamidas identicamente conjuntamente podem ser indicados no terapia da neuropatia do Espécie crônico talvez possa ser resistente a outros tratamentos.

TTFields therapy provides clinical versatility that has the potential to help address treatment challenges across a range of solid tumors. To learn more about Tumor Treating Fields therapy and its multifaceted effect on cancer cells, visit tumortreatingfields.utilizando.

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TTFields’ unique mechanism of action underscores key points related to its effective administration and clinical benefit. Unlike chemotherapeutic agents, TTFields are only active while the arrays are affixed to the scalp and the alternating electric fields are generated between the transducer arrays. As a loco-regional and non-invasive targeted therapy, TTFields has the benefit of avoiding systemic adverse events associated with chemotherapy and targeted systemic therapies. The primary treatment-associated adverse event experienced by some patients with TTFields is skin irritation below the arrays, which is predictable and easily manageable in the majority of cases.

Exercícios de fisioterapia de modo a fortalecer os músculos faciais e sentir melhoramentos o controle Destes movimentos

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Simulations and modelling are the primary tools for obtaining these essential data (Fig. 4). Simulation-based studies using realistic head models have shown that TTFields effectively penetrate the brain and tumour tissue. The field distribution is heterogeneous and depends on the anatomy of the individual patient, the physical properties of the various tissue types and the location of the tumour10. The position of arrays can therefore be optimized using the NovoTAL System to deliver maximal field intensities to the tumour region of the individual patient10,11.

About Novocure Novocure is a global oncology company working to extend survival in some of the most aggressive forms of cancer through the development and commercialization of its innovative therapy, Tumor Treating Fields. Novocure’s commercialized products are approved in certain countries for the treatment of adult patients with glioblastoma, malignant pleural mesothelioma and pleural mesothelioma.

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